Survey on Leased line and Mobile Internet connectivity

The GovTech agency is currently undertaking a survey focused on leased line and mobile connectivity, aiming to achieve the following goals:
- To gain insights into the current internet connection issues and challenges experienced by the population.
- To assess the need and demand for dedicated leased line connections for the public.

Notification on Citizen Service (G2C) Portal Overhauled

The GovTech Agency is delighted to share the successful overhaul of the Citizen Service Portal, a collaborative effort with various stakeholders. This achievement reflects our collective dedication to enhancing the quality of public service delivery to citizens. The upgraded portal was officially launched to the public on November 22, 2023, coinciding with a auspicious Zakar. The portal can be accessed at:

The GovTech Agency Signed Service Level Agreement with Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

On 21st November, 2023, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Energy and Natural resources signed a momentous Service Level Agreement (SLA) focused on ICT & Digital Service Transformation with GovTech. The agreement aims to provide centralized ICT services and network support, leveraging digital technologies to streamline processes, deliver efficient citizen services, and address challenges like professional attrition and infrastructure burden.
