Education, communication and awareness campaigns by DITT Staff

The Department of Information Technology and Telecom has been mandated to promote and developed ICT infrastructure across the country. Further several ICT initiatives were implemented and many are ongoing in effort to enhance a public service delivery and to promote good governance.
Officials from the Department is currently on tour to undertake joint focused education, communication and awareness campaigns so as to promote the optimal usage of available ICT infrastructure and applications.

The first meeting of the Telecommunications and Broadband committee

The first meeting of the Telecommunications and Broadband committee was held in MoIC mini-conference hall, which is inline with the Bhutan Telecommunications and Broadband Policy 2014. The member comprise of e-gov executive committee under e-gov governance structure, Telecom operators, ISPs and BICMA.

Awareness Program Updates

The Department of Information Technology and Telecom, in its efforts to help promote conducive and safer cyber environment for work and critical data, has commenced its advocacy program planned for the FY 2017-2018. The program aims at continually educating end users across the country in safe habits and good practices for basic cyber security. A team from the DITT is presently visiting Dzongkhags to spread awareness on ensuring safety in the cyberspace, recognizing risks and reacting to attacks and to advocate measures to proactively combat cyber threats, individually and collectively.

19th ICT Heads Meeting

19th ICT Heads Meeting 21-22 December, 2017 with theme "Knowledge and Innovation through Cluster" through Cluster in Gelephu Thromde, Sarpang Dzongkhag.
ICT Heads will make a visit to Gelephu Thromde ICT cluster to see the functions of the ICT cluster.

110th National Day

On joyous occasion of the 110th National Day, the Department of IT and Telecom would like to join the nation in offering our heartiest felicitations and prayers for their Majesties the Kings and Queens for your eternal hard work and effort, those yield holistic happiness in every Bhutanese's heart.May the Triple Gem shower their choicest blessings on the sacred person of our Tsawa Sum today and always!
