Stakeholder Meeting on Implementation of ICT Clusters in Dzonkghags and Thromdes

A stakeholder meeting was held at MoIC conference hall on 19th August 2016 to kickstart the Pilot implementation of ICT Clusters in Mongar Dzongkhag and Gelephu Thromde. The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Karma Hamu of RCSC and attended by Directors from Dept. of Revenue & Customs, Dept. of IT & Telecom, and Chiefs from Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing Cooperatives, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Public Health, Dept. of Trade, Dept. of Local Governance and Dept. of Immigration.

The objective of forming clusters in Dzongkhags and Thromdes is to enhance and improve delivery of ICT services to all government agencies within the cluster constituent through restructuring of ICT setup.