Business Contest Report: Bhutan Health Care Mobile Application

We are thrilled to share the highlights of the recent Business Contest for the Bhutan Health Care Mobile Application!.

Read our comprehensive highlights to learn about the participating companies, audience engagement, and key outcomes of this impactful event. We had a total of 54 people (39 participants on site and 15 people online) joined.

Overview: The Business Contest for the Bhutan HealthCare Mobile Application, held on 22nd May 2024, was a resounding success, bringing together key stakeholders from the technology, healthcare, and public sector industries.

Participating Companies – Druksmart, D101V, NGN, Medtronic Labs and Dragon Coders.

Key Highlights

  • Event was graced by Dasho Pemba from the Ministry of Health, Mr. Yamada from JICA and Ms. Carrie Morrision from World Food Programme with other invited guests from WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, Save the Children, KGUMSB, JDWNRH, NMS and various other key organizations.
  • The contest featured insightful presentations from 4 participating companies 1) D101V for Use-case A and B, 2) Druksmart for Use-case B, 3) NGN for Use-case A,B,C and 4) Joint venture of Medtronic Labs and Dragon Coders for Use-case A,B,C, showcasing their innovative solutions and approaches towards addressing Bhutan's healthcare challenges.
  • Networking opportunities at the onsite venue facilitated valuable connections and knowledge exchange among industry experts and healthcare stakeholders.

For all those, who are hearing about this project for the first time, we would like to briefly share that the presentations portrayed their capabilities in the following three health use-cases,

  • Use-case A: Community health guidance: An app interface for healthcare workers to have access to patient health data during remote visitation from the health devices that should be integrated to the interface.
  • Use-case B: Social well-being: An app interface for online support within the community to interact and raise health awareness.
  • Use-case C: Medical Care Triage: An App interface for data integration from patients, health providers to the government for health data analytics and evidence-based policy making

The business contest winner was announced as the joint venture of Medtronic Labs and Dragon Coders in all the three use-cases based on the voting by Judges and Invited guests.

Audience Engagement

  • The contest attracted a diverse audience, including tech enthusiasts, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, and public sector representatives.
  • With over 54 participants in attendance, both onsite and online, the event fostered meaningful discussions and collaborations towards advancing digital healthcare in Bhutan.

Next Steps: The final winner (presentation and proposal total) will only be announced after the final contract is done. Thus, we await the final decision, we remain committed to supporting Bhutan's journey towards digital transformation in healthcare. Stay tuned for further updates and opportunities to contribute to this impactful initiative.

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