The Royal Government of Bhutan has received an Advance from the World Bank towards the cost of preparatory activities for the proposed “Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia” (ACCESS)-Bhutan Project, to be implemented by the GovTech Agency, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimphu and intends to apply a part of the proceeds of this Advance for the services for hiring of a Project Coordinator and Procurement Specialist.
Therefore, eligible and interested National Individuals are invited to submit Expression of Interest (EoI) as per the Terms and Reference (ToR) uploaded in GovTech website The Expression of Interest needs to be submitted latest by 17:00 hours on February 24, 2025 to Project Management Unit, ACCESS Bhutan Project, World Bank housed at MoIT premises.
For more information, Please kindly contact Peldon, Project Director, GovTech at or Dechen Norbu, Procurement Specialist, ACCESS Bhutan Project at during office hours.