Bhutan AIRA Report 2024
Bhutan’s AI Readiness Assessment Digital Infographics
The Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) recognises Telecommunications and Broadband as important contributors to the socioeconomic development of the country. They have a vital role to play in enhancing competitiveness, increasing productivity and economic development, and promoting greater social inclusion to mention a few. Telecommunications and Broadband are the foundation on which “An ICT enabled, Knowledge-Based Society as a Foundation for Gross National Happiness” will be built.
Bhutan has witnessed impressive progress in ICT in the last decade. The Bhutan ICT Policy and Strategy (BIPS) 2009, which has guided the development of the sector is found insufficient moving forward especially in the areas of Telecommunications and Broadband given the fast changing nature of the sector. Thus, the Ministry of Information and Communications has framed and adopted the Bhutan Telecommunications and Broadband Policy which was approved by cabinet during the 59th Lhengye Zhungtshog held on December 9, 2014.
The Bhutan Telecommunications and Broadband Policy 2014 will guide and shape the development of telecommunications and broadband sector in the country in the coming years. It provides guidelines, principles and rationale on how to go about developing and promoting the sector. The main objectives of the policy are: connectivity for all, strengthening of rules and regulations, creation of conducive environment for private investments and competition leading towards an efficient market and affordable broadband and telecom services.
Final SoP for Telecom service during disaster
Final SoP for Telecom service during disaster.pdf
Guidelines on third party damage compensation and re-alignment cost recovery for fiber optic asset
Guidelines on third party damage compensation and realignment cost recovery for fiber optic asset.pdf
Guidelines for disposal of optical fiber waste
Guidelines for disposal of optical fiber waste.pdf
SOP for datahub_January 2022
SOP for datahub_January 2022.pdf
SoP and guidelines for National FIber Network.
SOP for restoration of National fiber Network during emergencies.pdf
Bhutan National Data Governance Framework: Baseline Study 2024
Bhutan National Data Governance Baseline Report 2024
COP Guidelines
In line with the global movement launched by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to protect children online, the BtCIRT collaborated with ITU and UNICEF Bhutan to adapt the ITU’s COP guidelines 2020 with due consideration of the context of existing COP efforts and COP gaps in Bhutan. As a part of the localization efforts, a series of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) on child online protection with the five key stakeholder groups – children, parents, educators, industry representatives, and policymakers were carried out and the findings were integrated with the COP guidelines to strengthen policy and regulatory measures to ensure children’s rights are protected in the digital space. The inputs from the COP task force consisting of representatives from key stakeholders have also been integrated into the guidelines. The guidelines are very prescriptive and outline the necessary steps that the respective COP targets; Parents & Educators, Policy Makers, and Industry should take to help children to be safe online and to ensure that they are adequately protected.
Find the COP localized guidelines as follows:
1. Quick Reference_COP Guidelines for Stakeholders.pdf
2. COP Guidelines for Parents and Educators.pdf
3. COP Guidelines for Policy Makers.pdf
4. COP Guidelines for Industry.pdf
National Digital Identity Act of Bhutan 2023
National Digital Identity Act of Bhutan 2023.pdf
Parenting Manual
Parenting Manual.pdf
Information, Communications and Media Act of Bhutan 2018
ICM Act 2018.pdf
LAC & Networking
Software Development Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to describe guidelines for developing and implementing application systems at the RGOB.
The reader should be advised that the document is not meant to be a formula for building systems but a set of guidelines that can be tailored to the local environment.
The degree to which this document is followed is dependent on the complexity and constituency of the system.
Network Tender Guidelines
This paper intends to serve as a guidelines in the preparation of tender requirement (TRD) for Local Area Network(LAN).The paper outlines some of the important consideration that needs to be taken care while preparing TRD.
Emerging Markets – Information Technology & Gross National Happiness
Media Coverage
1. Kuensel
2. Journalist
3. BhutanTimes
4. BhutanToday
Thimphu Tech Park
1. Press Release TTPL
2. Environmental_Impact-Assessment&Plan
3. Executive_Summary
4. Executive-summary-dzongkha
5. PublicNotification_EIA&MPReport_TTPL
Data Management Guide 2023
Data Management Guide 2023_0.pdf
Government Web Standards
e-Government Interoperability Framework (E-GIF)
The e-GIF, in its broad sense, is government enterprise architecture to define technical standards and best practices to enable ICT systems to integrate and interoperate across the RGoB. It institutes set of standards and guidelines that the government agencies must adopt to enable better sharing and collaboration within government agencies. It allows diverse government application systems to seamlessly exchange data and use the data that has been exchanged meaningfully, with support of standardised technologies, data and applications.
For more details, please visit:
You can also contact following e-GIF working group for additional information and queries.
1. Lobzang Jamtsho, Head, Application Development Division @ 323215 (304)
e-Government System
ICT implementation in the Royal Government continues to gain maturity and also complexity by the year. The expectations on ICT and the responsibilities of ICT professionals have
correspondingly increased both in depth and coverage. This situation calls for specialized skills in varied areas and high level of professionalism.
Structured Cabling Standards
DIT recommends the adoption of Structured Cabling standards in the establishment of networks in the country. This paper is intended to serve as a guideline and introduction to the concepts involved in the issue of structured cabling.
Data Interoperability Standards
The Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Information & Communications in consultation with various Ministries, Departments and Agencies has come up with the standard codes for the use in various e-Governance applications.
Dzongkha Standard
This document governs the following Bhutanese technology standards pertaining to the use of Dzongkha within computer environments:
A. Character Encoding Standard for Dzongkha Materials.
B. Standardised Keyboard Layout for Typing in Dzongkha.
C. Dzongkha Locale and Culture Information for the Kingdom of Bhutan.
These information are now out-dated. For up-to-date information, refer DDC website:
For latest Dzongkha tools & keyboard layout, refer