About us - Application Management Division

Mandates of the Division

  • Application Management Division will help carry out the mission of facilitating a tech-
    based solutions to policy issues with a focus on Strengthening Integration between Policy, Operations and Technology.
  • It will function as the division that manages IT projects starting from conceptualizing the
    IT system application development plans to budget management in collaboration with
    FD, DoS and procuring these technological products and services from private vendors.
  • Application Management Division will be the lead in implementing Digital Drukyul
    Flagship Program in collaboration with relevant division such as Application
    Development Division
  • Application Management Division will be staffed by Program Officers with IT
    background. Each Program Officer will be a focal person for a certain number of
    Ministries, Agencies and Dzongkhags. They will be involved in Policy, plan and program
    discussions with respective agencies and recommend digital solutions to these policy
  • Application Management Division to be involved at the cross sectoral Annual Planning
    and Budgeting organized by Agencies such as GNHC and MoF.
  • Operationalize and implement e-Gov policy, e-GIF and e-Gov master plan.
  • Develop a framework for procuring the IT solutions from Vendors through DHI or
    directly from private Vendors in line with the existing government procurement rules.
  • Liaise with relevant sectors to work on budget requirements for any IT Projects.