Telecom Division Head Promoted to Chief ICT Officer

Mr. Sonam Phuntsho, Dy. Chief ICT Officer of Telecom Division, Department of IT and Telecom has been promoted as the Chief ICT Officer through open competition and selection interview procedure conducted by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Department would like to extend the heartiest congratulations to Mr. Sonam Phuntsho on his new appointment and look forward to achieve greater heights of achievements. Best wishes and Trashi Delek.

Mobile Apps Development Training

Department of IT & Telecom in collaboration with Bhutan Innovation and Technology Centre (BITC) / Thimphu Tech Park (TTPL) will be conducting training on Mobile Application Development for capacity development and promoting innovation. Interested Government ICT officials can click here for registration. The registrations will close after 5pm 22nd August, 2015.

New Secretary joins MoIC

As per Article 2 Section 19(p) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, six Executives were appointed as the Government Secretary with effect from July 13, 2016 out of which Dasho Karma Wangchuk Penjor, was appointed as the Secretary for the Ministry of Information & Communications. Dasho Karma Wangchuk Penjor served as the secretary of Dratshang Lhentshog prior to this appointment.

Call for Nominations for the ITU/UN Women GEM-TECH awards

The third annual Gender Equality and Mainstreaming in Technology (GEM-TECH) Awards by UN Women and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is now open for nominations. This prestigious global prize recognizes outstanding contributions from women and men (individuals and organizations) in addressing the digital gender divide by embracing the potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to empower women and girls.
The 2016 GEM-tech awards will focus on three categories:

3rd National Website competition results declared on the World Telecommunications Day

Every year the Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC) observes the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day (WTISD) on 17th May. The purpose of WTISD is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide. WTISD theme for the year 2016 is “ICT Entrepreneurship for Social Impact”.

Recall of nominations for innovators in IT

The Department of Information Technology and Telecom/Ministry of Information and Communications recalls for nomination from individual(s)/agency(ies) who have contributed significantly to society through the use of ICT and its services. Outstanding nominees will be selected and awarded prizes on June 22, 2016 under two categories as follows:
Language and Culture promotion using ICT
Other Services Using ICT

Training Opportunity

The Department of Information Technology & Telecom (DITT) is pleased to announce the availability of training program under Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC), Ministry of External Affair, Government of India to undergo the following course:

● Certificate Course in Wireless Network Administration
● 10 Weeks 28/03/16 - 04/06/2016
● Place: UTL Technologies Ltd, Bangalore
● Funding Source: ITEC, GoI

Therefore, Civil servants applying for the programs must fulfil all relevant criteria prescribed in BCSR 2012.
